The Dawn Of Beds And Mattresses. A Brief History.

Sleep is a fundamental part of our daily lives, and for centuries, humans have sought comfort and rest on a variety of beds and mattresses. The history of beds and mattresses is a fascinating journey that reflects the evolution of society, technology, and comfort. In this blog post, we will delve into the development of mattresses and beds through history, exploring the very first innovations in sleep technology, how different cultures have utilized beds, and how these innovations have evolved over time.

The Dawn of Beds and Mattresses

The story of beds and mattresses begins with our ancient ancestors, who first discovered the benefits of sleeping off the ground. The very first “beds” were probably nothing more than piles of leaves, grass, or straw, which early humans would arrange in a somewhat comfortable fashion to create a rudimentary sleeping surface.

As societies advanced, so did the technology behind beds. The Egyptians are often credited with inventing the first raised beds around 3,000 BC. These beds were constructed from wood and featured woven mats or cushions made from natural materials like palm leaves or reeds. They believed that elevating the bed above the ground would protect sleepers from pests and snakes while providing a more comfortable and hygienic sleeping surface.

The Romans: Masters of Luxury

One of the most iconic examples of beds and mattresses from ancient history comes from the Roman Empire. The Romans were renowned for their appreciation of comfort and luxury, and their beds were no exception. Roman beds were often large, intricately designed, and lavishly adorned with textiles and cushions.

What set Roman beds apart, however, was their use of “mattresses.” The Romans were among the first to experiment with different materials for cushioning, using straw, feathers, and even wool. They would stuff these materials into cloth sacks, creating an early form of the mattress. This innovation not only added comfort but also improved hygiene by reducing the number of pests that could infiltrate the sleeping area.

Medieval Beds: Simplicity and Functionality

During the Middle Ages, beds and mattresses took on a simpler and more functional form. The bedframe became more practical and robust, typically made of wood with a straw-filled mattress. The European medieval period saw the introduction of canopy beds, designed not only for comfort but also to provide additional privacy and insulation.

Beds during this time were often shared among family members and servants, emphasizing the communal aspects of living. The concept of individual mattresses, as we know them today, had not yet fully developed, with people still sleeping on straw or wool-filled sacks.

The Renaissance and Beyond: Mattresses Get an Upgrade

The Renaissance period marked a return to opulence and luxury. This era saw the emergence of four-poster beds, intricately carved with ornate designs and draped in rich fabrics. Mattresses, too, saw an upgrade, with an increased focus on comfort.

The bed base itself was often a simple lattice of ropes creating a kind of net to hold the more comfortable sleep surface. These ropes would often need tightening to increase support and it is believed the phrase “sleep tight” originated from this need to tighten the bed base for better support.

During this time, people began experimenting with more advanced materials for mattresses. Feathers, down, and even horsehair were used to stuff mattresses, providing a softer and more supportive sleeping surface. However, these materials were not without their drawbacks, as they tended to clump and lose their shape over time.

The Industrial Revolution: A Turning Point for Mattresses

The Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries brought about significant changes in mattress and bed manufacturing. The development of mass production techniques allowed for more consistent and affordable mattresses. Cotton and innerspring mattresses gained popularity, offering better support and durability than previous materials.

This period also saw the introduction of the first waterbeds and air mattresses, providing sleepers with new options for customized comfort. These innovations marked a turning point in the history of mattresses, setting the stage for the modern sleep technology we have today.

The 20th Century: Modern Mattresses and Beds

The 20th century brought remarkable advancements in sleep technology. Innerspring mattresses became the standard, and the idea of customizable sleep comfort gained momentum. Memory foam, invented by NASA in the 1960s, eventually found its way into consumer mattresses, offering unparalleled support and comfort.

The concept of adjustable beds also gained popularity, allowing individuals to tailor their sleeping positions for maximum comfort. Additionally, modern materials like latex, gel, and hybrid mattresses brought even more options for sleepers looking for the perfect balance of support and comfort.

Today: A Plethora of Options

In the 21st century, we are spoilt for choice when it comes to beds and mattresses. From traditional innerspring mattresses to memory foam, latex, hybrid, and adjustable beds, the variety is immense. Sleep technology has come a long way from the ancient straw-filled sacks and even the feather-stuffed mattresses of the past.

Today’s mattresses are designed to cater to individual preferences, providing optimal support, cooling technology, and motion isolation. Many mattresses are also constructed with eco-friendly materials to address environmental concerns.


The history of beds and mattresses is a reflection of human ingenuity, comfort, and societal development. From the humble beginnings of straw-stuffed sacks to the luxurious, technologically advanced mattresses of today, our quest for the perfect night’s sleep has driven innovation for centuries.

As a bed and mattress retailer, we understand the importance of this journey and strive to offer our customers the very best in sleep technology. Whether you prefer the classic charm of a traditional pocket sprung mattress or the cutting-edge comfort of a memory foam mattress, or perhaps a bit of both, we are here to provide you with the perfect bed and mattress to suit your needs.

So, the next time you lay down on your comfortable, supportive mattress, take a moment to appreciate the long and fascinating history that has led to the development of the sleep technology we enjoy today. Rest easy, knowing that you are a part of a rich tradition that spans millennia.